These cookies allow the website to function properly.
These cookies may store the name of your browser, as well as the type of computer and technical information about the way you are connected to our website, such as the operating system and Internet service provider used as well as other similar information. This information is used to technically facilitate the navigation and use of the sites, monitor the speed of the website and record visitor behavior. The purpose of functional cookies is to improve the website based on performance. The information collected is anonymized and not shared with Google and others.
These cookies allow us to collect personal information such as demographics and interests.
Our website uses analytical cookies set by Google Analytics to measure the number of visits as well as the parts of the website that are most popular among users. This information is used to provide aggregated and statistical information about the use of our website and is also used to improve the content of our website to enrich the user experience. These cookies are necessary to make our websites permanently as responsive as possible to the needs of our users. By accepting the analytical cookies, you agree that the website collects personal data such as demographics and interests.
These cookies allow external services to enrich the website.
Marketing cookies are used to track visitors when they visit the website. These cookies are placed by us and third parties on our website so that advertisements relevant to you can be displayed. The goal is to display ads that are tailored and relevant to the individual user. This involves the use of various online channels, including social media.