Vincentre Nuenen presents sketch design for expansion of museum

On Friday, June 19, 2020, Vincentre in Nuenen presented the sketch design for the expansion of the museum. Inspired by the typical architectural style of farmhouses from the time Vincent van Gogh lived and worked in Nuenen, the design is by Eindhoven-based architecture firm diederendirrix. The expansion of Museum Vincentre is possible thanks to contributions from the municipality of Nuenen, the province of North Brabant, Region Deal Brainport Eindhoven, regional businesses, funds and private individuals.

The design of the expansion will be submitted to the Spatial Quality Team of the municipality of Nuenen. Construction work is expected to begin in 2021 and the new building will be completed in early 2022. Thanks to the expansions, the number of visitors to Vincentre will be able to double in the coming years and the team of 160 volunteers will be able to welcome visitors even more hospitably.

Contemporary longitudinal hood

Architecture firm diederendirrix is designing the expansion of the Vincentre in Nuenen. It will be enriched and expanded with a striking new volume, partly based on the structural vision "The World of Van Gogh" of the municipality of Nuenen. The location on the historic ribbon will thus become even more the anchorage from which the places from Vincent's time can be discovered. The new building has a homely character and symbolizes the painter's predilection for the ordinary, honest life that can also be seen in his landscapes and portraits. In the design, the village and Brabant, with its typical scale, is of great importance. Not through a literal imitation of the style of the period, but through an expressive and contemporary version of a long-roofed farmhouse, the relationship between the artist and his former home is revived.

Conservation and development of Vincent's heritage in Brabant

Museum Vincentre and the Van Gogh Village Nuenen Foundation are part of the Van Gogh Sites Foundation, the Brabant-wide collaboration between parties who, under the banner of Van Gogh, are committed to preserving and developing Brabant's Van Gogh heritage.
Brabant to preserve and develop Brabant's Van Gogh heritage. The development of the heritage in Nuenen will contribute to the attractiveness of the region for residents, entrepreneurs and visitors. The Province of North Brabant is investing in Van Gogh Brabant on a multi-year basis in order to increase the social and economic significance of the heritage for the province. "Doing small things well is a step to doing big things better," said Delegate Eric de Bie (Heritage), citing Vincent van Gogh himself. "The design for the expansion of Museum Vincentre is of such quality that it will make Nuenen, the Van Gogh National Park and Brabant more attractive."

Design Notes

In this video, architect Rob Meurders explains how the Huizing family's old farmhouse (built almost against City Hall) inspired him to come up with the current sketch design.

Click on the image to start the video.

Remarks sketch design extension Vincentre Nuenen
  • Remarks sketch design extension Vincentre Nuenen

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